Install The Fox

This is 1st step of building the site.

Before installing The Fox theme, you must install WordPress. If you have already a WordPress installation and ready to run a theme, please skip this step. Here’s a detail guide about installing WordPress. Now all hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installations. You just need to click, click..

Note: If you use (instead of, you need business plan ($25/m) to install wordpress theme. You might consider using a custom hosting, It's extremely easy nowadays I promise. Try Site Ground for instance. It's easy, stable and support is top-notch.

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Install The Fox Theme

Step 1: Download Fox theme from Themeforest. After purchasing, please visit your download page to download it. Please choose “Installable WordPress file only”. In case you downloaded “All files and documentation”, please unzip the package you’ll find the actual theme file.

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